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Listing Number: 1360090122

RM 38.00 per bottle
(TRM 190.00)

Dirumus khas untuk menyihatkan, melembapkan dan meremajakan kulit. Ia diperkaya dengan antioksidan dan minyak asli untuk memberikan manfaat yang terbaik untuk kulit anda. Mandian ini memanjakan kulit anda sambil menghidrat dan melembutkannya. Harumannya pasti merangsang anda menggunakannya setiap hari.



Menarik kelembapan dari udara kepada kulit. Merupaka pelembab kulit yang terbaik


Sumber kaya dengan antioksidan dan mineral untuk kulit. Anti bakteria, anti alergi dan anti keradangan


Mengurangkan perubahan warna kulit dan tompok hitam. Mencerahkan pigmentasi kulit


Kebolehan untuk menyembuhkan dan merangsang pembaharuan sel-sel kulit pada kulit bermasalah


Terkenal dangan sifat anti oksidan dan sifat-sifat pemulihan untuk menghapuskan radikal bebas yang berbahaya daripada merosakkan sel-sel kulit (Anti penuaan). Membaiki dan memperbaharui sel-sel kulit dengan menjaganya agar tetap sihat dan muda untuk jangka masa yang lama


Anti fungus dan anti kulat


Anti penuaan, Anti Oksiden, menyembuhkan kulit rosak dan bermasalah dengan berkesan

Product Location : Selangor

Minimum Order : Not Set

Quantity Available : Available

Condition : New

Halal : Yes

Related Category :

  • Health & Beauty - Personal Care

  • Important notice for all Trumer Members


    Payment Methods:
      1. Payment via TRM
        To complete payments via TRM, you must first ensure that you have sufficient TRM balance in your TrumerX account. Should you have insufficient balance, kindly click here to top up your TRM via the TrumerX app.

        Members can also check their TRM balance via the TrumerX app or in the ‘Account’ section of the TrumerX website.

        Exclusive for TRM users: Trumer Members who complete payments via TRM will be rewarded a bonus of up to 15%TRM with every TRM top up done.

      1. Payment via Online Banking
        Members are also allowed to complete payments via online banking on TrumerX. This includes payments via credit card, debit cards and FPX.

        By completing payment via online banking, members are entitled to receive a bonus of 5%TRM for every transaction carried out.

      1. Payment via Direct Bank Transfer
        Kindly follow the steps listed below to complete payments via Direct Bank Transfer:
        1. Proceed to ‘Self-Collect’ option
        2. Select ‘After Payment is Made’
        3. Indicate your desired delivery address in the ‘Remarks Box’
        4. Complete payment via direct bank transfer using the following information
          1. Company Name: Trumer Shoppe Sdn Bhd (822426-M)
          2. Bank A/C Number: (Public Bank Bhd) PBB 3158181700
        5. Fax or email the proof of payment with the order number stated in your order.

        Do note that Members who complete payments via direct bank transfer will not be entitled to receive any bonus TRM.


    There are two delivery options available:
      1. Self-Collect
        This option is available for selected merchants only. Items are to be collected at designated areas determined by merchants.

      1. Delivery
        Purchased items can also be directly delivered to members. Shipping charges may apply.


    Up to 15%TRM will be credited to Trumer members that have purchased products or services listed in xRM on TrumerX.

    Trumer Members are entitled to receive a bonus of up to 15%TRM upon every TRM top up.
    Self Collect or delivered as per charges indicated. For any other orders by you to us to be delivered to the same location at the same time, we will refund any subsequent delivery charges by crediting the equivalent TRM to you.
  • Self Collect/Email  
  • West Malaysia
         Qty From: 1 - (XRM: 9.00)
  • East Malaysia
         Qty From: 1 - (XRM: 12.00)

  • Quantity :  
    Delivery Option:
    Self Collect/Email  
    West Malaysia  
    Qty From: 1 - (XRM: 9.00)
    East Malaysia  
    Qty From: 1 - (XRM: 12.00)
    Delivery Charges By: Per Order
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