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Heart Disease Testimony by Daniel Ng

I am Daniel K L Ng (51 yrs old), living in Selayang.

In August 2013 I had an angina episode and had been on heart disease medication eversince. The drugs issued by the hospital though regulate my blood pressure and heart condition, also created side effects such as unrelenting night coughing spells, mood swings and often induced low energy and low spirit conditions.

I consulted a friend with a similar heart condition who advised me to gradually wean off the drugs. Situation improved and i was able to return to almost normal life.

In July 2014 i was hospitalised with dengue for two days. My general conditions took a big dip and I was unable to regain full vigour, always struggling to perform my daily activities. To make matters worse, my post dengue aftermath left me in a state of impaired immunity- vulnerable to all sort flu and viral infections.

My blood pressure became unfavorable and in desperation, I once again took the regular full dose of all the drugs issued by the hospital. These led to me making a terrible mistake for I have forgotten that I am sensitive to Aspirin which will caused me to bleed internally and have always avoided it. Sure enough after consuming two days dosage, my piles bled for almost a week and my internal digestion system too sufferred wound infections.

For the first time in my life, things became unbearably difficult and uncertain. All the visits to the medical clinic did not help at all. In addition, the stories that I heard from some of my friends who have encountered similar medical problem were not encouraging. Two of them underwent surgery and never fully healed, often having to bear with the discomfort and a difficult diet. Another who was fortunate to fully recover could not remember the traditional chinese medicine cure as it was such a long time ago.

I have known Trumer for quite some years, often dropping by to pick up the nano colloidal silver solution for my dad and have been familiar with the associated alternative diagnosis and treatment. It was with renewed hope that I sought Trumer's assistance.

For twice to three times a week I underwent treatment using the Rehatron Non Invasive Induction and Trinfinity 8 Therapy, spending approximately 3 hours per session.

In addition to the above, I have also done:

1. Deworming and eliminate of parasite by taking Zentel and anti parasite protocol.

2. Nano Colloidal Silver Solution

I drank about a 500cc of the Colloidal a day for about 4 weeks while under treatment.

After the above treatment, i felt better but often slipped into spells of low energy, experiencing constant bowel discomforts. Brother David who oversee my treatment advised that beside healing the physical conditions, there is an even more important Mental state to heal. It is true that after going through long period of the early symptoms and not seeing progress, I began to doubt, losing confidence about my medical problems. Depression has set in and that will impede the rate of recovery.

To help me overcome the above, I took 15 drops of NES HEALTH solution daily mixed with water. It helped stabilise my mental condition, reducing anxieties and gave my body a better chance to heal.

It was slow gradual progress, one day at a time. My confidence has slowly returned, coming to terms with the the fact that I needed adequate time to recover and not depend on a quick fix pill.

I still have to be careful with my diet but i am certainly on the path to recovery.

I wish to express my deepest gratitude to all at Trumer Centre for all their kindness. They have inspired me to firmly believe in cultivating a compassionate heart - to help others in need.

Many Thanks !!!!! GOD BLESS!!!!!

Daniel Ng